Thursday, August 11, 2011

Just The One Thing

Let's see now...I did get the mask I was working on done so it will be in the mail this morning. I started on the barefoot sandals that I needed to make, but then I made the decision to go outside and clean up the yard. This was a choice I almost immediately regretted as the heat seemed to sap every bit of energy out of my body. When I finally came back inside after the weed pulling and picking up random strewn items I literally fell into the couch and stayed there for a good thirty minutes. To make matters worse I was also doing laundry at the same time which I had at this point nearly forgotten about.

After lunch rather than get back to the barefoot sandals, I made up the forth charm necklace and got pictures of it, as well as a couple of pendants that needed renewing in the shop. They had some of my very laziest photos on their listings and if I was going to keep them in the shop I figured a makeover was due. It's just a another subtle reminder of all the lessons I have learned over the last five years hawking my wares. Of course I mostly made this necklace so I would have something... anything to talk about and show today.

After those were done it was back to the barefoot sandals and some errands. Not to be repetitive, but today is also back to the barefoot sandals, but instead of errands I have set aside some rooms that need cleaning. So again, I don't have much faith in tomorrow's post being interesting nor entertaining either. I think I'm just dragging here at the end of summer, or it could be that my birthday is fast approaching and I'm moving up a demographic age group. I know that's a weird thing to be concerned about. I guess at least I'll be at the bottom end of the demographic instead of the top or I could just ignore it as it's probably just one of many different accepted demographic ranges that at the end of the day is just an arbitrary cutoff point lacking any real meaning. Yeah, but I'll have to check the other box. Anyway, that's it for me today. I'm off to it.

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